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Cole Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


GATE is a program for students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. Students are qualified for GATE based on their SBAC Test scores.  To qualify, students must score in the 95th Percentile (not percentage) in both Language Arts and Math. They can also qualify by scoring a 99th percentile in either Language Arts or Math on the SBAC. Scores of all Clovis Unified Students in each individual grade level are compiled to determine the 95th percentile scores. 
A District test will be given to students that were close to qualifying in both Language Arts and Math and have a Teacher Recommendation.  Students will need to score in the 98th Percentile on this test to qualify.  
The test is given only once per school year.  It is usually given in October or November at Cole Elementary.  There is only one test date per school year.  If your student is recommended for this test, they will receive a Permission Slip from the GATE Advisor, Ginna Willers
The test will be given on (TBA)  Any questions please email Ginna Willers.

Exceptionally Capable Learners (E.C.L.)
3rd Grade students are identified for this club by their teacher.  This club consists Third Grade students that are considered to be in the top 10%.  Students that are recommended will receive a Permission Slip, usually by the end of the First Quarter.  ECL meetings are on Tuesdays at 2:45-3:40 PM.