Join Parent Square History Day Group HERE!
Each year, students in grades 4-6 are encouraged to participate in History Day. Students select a historical topic that relates to the National History Day (NHD) theme and conduct research using primary and secondary sources. After analyzing and interpreting their sources and drawing conclusions about their topics’ significance in history, students in grades 4 and 5 will present their work in a poster or podcast. Sixth grade students may select to write a paper, create a website, construct an exhibit, execute a performance, produce a documentary or produce a podcast. These products may be entered into the Fresno County History Day competition, with the possibility of advancing to state and national levels.
Advisor for History Day is Shelby Vidmar
The objective of this club is to guide you in your inquiry into the world of science. As a part of this club you will conduct an experiment of your choosing and complete a research notebook and a display board.
Advisor for Science Fair is Mrs. Anderson
Chess Club begins Monday, September 16th @
Lunch Recess in Room 17.
You do not have to know how to play chess! We will teach you!
Comic Book League starts Wednesday, October 2nd @ Lunch time in Room 1. Click HERE to sign up!
Members join our Parent Connect Group to stay informed HERE.